Act/Law wise: Judgment of Supreme Court of Bangladesh (AD & HCD)
Act/Law |
Abandoned Buildings (Supplementary Provision) Ordinance (LIV Of 1985) |
Abandoned Property Matter |
Acid Aparadh Daman Ain (II of 2002) (এসিড অপরাধ দমন আইন) |
Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable Property Ordinance, 1982 |
Adhoc-Based Employee Regulation Rules, 1994 (এডহক ভিত্তিক নিযুক্ত কর্মচারী নিয়মিতকরণ বিধিমালা) |
Administrative Appellate Tribunal Rules, 1982 |
Administrative Tribunal Act, 1980 (VII of 1981) |
Admiralty Court Act |
Admiralty Rules, 1912 |
Agrani Bank Limited, Karmachari Chakuri Probidhan Mala, 2008 |
Air Force Act Rules, 1957 |
Air Force Act, 1953 |
Alienation of Land (Distress circumstances) (Restoration) Ordinance, 1976 |
Ansar Rules, 1948 |
Ansars Act, 1948 |
Anti-Corruption Commission Act (V of 2004) (দুর্নীতি দমন কমিশন আইন) |
Anti-Corruption Commission Rules, 2007 (দুর্নীতি দমন কমিশন বিধিমালা) |
Anti-Corruption Matter |
Antiquities Act [XIV of 1968] |
Arbitration Act [I of 2001] (সালিস আইন) |
Arbitration Act, 1940 |
Arbitration Act, 1950 (English) |
Arbitration Matter |
Arms Act, 1878 |
Army Act [XXXIX of 1952] |
Arpito Shompotti Pratyarpan Ain (অর্পিত সম্পত্তি প্রত্যর্পণ আইন)/ Transfer of Vested Property Act |
Artha Rin Adalat Ain (VIII of 2003) (অর্থ ঋণ আদালত আইন) |
Artha Rin Adalat Ain, 1990 |
Artha Rin Matter |