Act/Law wise: Judgment of Supreme Court of Bangladesh (AD)

Building Construction Act, 1952
Section/Order/ Article/Rule/ Regulation Head Note Parties Name Reference/Citation
Section 3B (5) (d)

Export Promotion Bureau did not obtain any right, title, interest or possession of the same–
Suo Moto Rule absolute by judgment and order dated 03.04.2011, holding that the 15 storied building constructed by BGMEA has been done on the water body illegally which is contrary to the master plan as well as the development plan of the Dhaka City in violation of Act XXXVI of 2000 and such construction cannot be allowed to remain in its position. Accordingly, the authority concerned was directed to demolish the said unauthorized building within 90 days. The High Court Division further held that ‘the money invested by the BGMEA in the construction of the said building can never be a ground to allow it to stay upright’. Thus it has ordered that ‘the BGMEA must return the money to those who bought flats/spaces in the said unauthorized building, as those transactions stand vitiated, within 12 months from the date of receipt of the claim. The flats/spaces buyers, can however, not, claim interest, because, they are guilty of contributory negligence as they had actual or constructive knowledge about BGMEA’s bareness of title and the illegality as to the construction of the said building’. .....Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) =VS= Government of Bangladesh & others, (Civil), 2016-[1 LM (AD) 142] ....View Full Judgment

Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) =VS= Government of Bangladesh & others 1 LM (AD) 142
Section 3

RAJUK cannot cancel the sanction for building construction without giving notice that due to mistake and misrepresentation the building plans were sanctioned and permission was given for construction.
Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakshya (RAJUK) and others vs Water Front Apartment Ltd and ors 56 DLR (AD) 16.

Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakshya (RAJUK) and others vs Water Front Apartment Ltd and ors. 56 DLR (AD) 16
Section 3B(l)(b),(3)(5)

No order of demolition can be passed under sub-section (5) of section 3B of the said Act unless a finding is given that the disputed construction answers the description contained in clause (a) or (b) or (c) of sub-section (5). This action was nothing but riding roughshod over the procedural safeguards guaranteed to the owners and occupiers.
The impugned order of the Authorised Officer lacks any legal basis and cannot be sustained.
Abdus Sattar (Md) vs Bangladesh and others 48 DLR (AD) 180.

Abdus Sattar (Md) vs Bangladesh and others 48 DLR (AD) 180
Section 9

The learned Judge of the High Court Division held that since a suit is pending between respondent No.4 and her two brothers for declaration of title, recov­ery of khas possession, cancellation of power of attorney and for cancellation of sale deeds the RAJUK has taken a reasonable and lenient view by merely passing the order of suspension of the construction work without cancelling the plan. Shafiuddin Miah & another vs, Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakhay (Latifur Rahman J) (Civil) I ADC 570

Shafiuddin Miah & another vs, Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakhay 1 ADC 570
Section 12

While discharging the Rule for quashing the order of personal appearance the High Court Division directed the Authorised Officer, KDA to demolish the unauthorised construction in question which the appellant wants to expunge. While the proceeding under section 12(1) of the ‘Building Construction Act is still pending in the Court of the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Khulna and awaiting decision oñ merit as to whether any direction will at all be necessary upon the KDA to dismantle the alleged unauthorised construction which was not the subject matter under consideration before the High Court Division in the revision case and accordingly, the impugned unwarranted direction was expunged.
Champak Ranjan Saha vs Authorised Officer, Khulna Development Authority and others 2 BLC (AD) 110.

Champak Ranjan Saha vs Authorised Officer, Khulna Development Authority and others 2 BLC (AD) 110
Section 12(1)

Dismantling ordered in incidental proceedings— Improper- Liable to be expunged— When proceeding under section 12(1) is pending in the court of Chief Metropolitan Magistrate awaiting decision on merit the order of the High Court Division directing dismantling the alleged unauthorised construction in criminal revision arising out of incidental proceedings is illegal and is liable to be expunged.
Champak Ranjan Shaha Vs. Authorised officer K D.A-. 1, MLR (1996) (AD) 449.

Champak Ranjan Shaha Vs. Authorised officer K D.A 1 MLR (AD) 449
Section 38 Sub-Section-5

In 1987 the appellant constructed a four-storied residential building as per sanctioned plan of the former Dhaka Improvement Trust and he has been living therein since 1987. On 5.5.94 the authorised officer of the Kartripakkha issued him a notice asking him to show him any sanctioned plan which he may have had in respect of the said four stoned building. The appellant showed cause on 7.5.94 after long seven months, the authorised officer of the Kartripakkha issued a notice on the appellant dated 21.12.94 asking him to show cause within 24 hours as to why his building will not be demolished after cancellation of the sanctioned plan for not keeping required spaces as per sanctioned plan, before the expiry of 24 hours the Kartripakkha by a Memo, dated 22. 12.94 referred to its earlier Memos dated 5.5.94 & 21.12.94 and stated that the appellant was directed to demolish/remove the construction outside of the sanctioned plan by those Memos, but he has failed to do so and as such his sanctioned plan is cancelled and the appellant was also directed to demolish the unauthorised construction immediately on receipt of the memo. Thereafter the appellant challenging the last order dated 22.12.96 - The High Court Division rejected the writ petition on the ground that the appellant admitted slight change of the boundary and as he was given an opportunity to explain his position the principle of natural justice was not violated—Held: No order of demolition can be passed under sub-section (5) of section 38 of the said Act unless a finding is given that the disputed construction answers the description contained in clause (a) or (b) or (c) of sub-section (5) the disputed building in fact does not fit in with the descriptions given on the said clauses (a) or (b) or (c) — The impugned order of the authorised officer lacks any legal basis and cannot be sustained. (Paras-10& 11)
Abdus Sattar Vs. Bangladesh & Ors 4 BLT (AD)-21.

Abdus Sattar Vs. Bangladesh & Ors. 4 BLT (AD) 21
Building Construction Act

Building Construction Act
Building Construction Rules, 1998
Civil Aviation Rules, 1984
It is clear that the respondent has been refused sanction/approval by the appellants in constructing 20-storied building on the land of the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society is not based on any prohibitory law. Rather the same is arbitrary. The respondent herein has been discriminated in allowing/ according permission to construct the 20-storied building as prayed for. Hence the respondent herein being discriminated the principle of natural justice has been violated. In the absence of any such provision of law and on the face of allowing others to construct buildings above 20-storied, we are of the view that the appellants acted arbitrarily in refusing the present respondent to construct its planed 20-storied building, which RAJUK the concerned authority, of sanctioning such plan has already approved by the Building Construction Committee of RAJUK. Hence Appellate Division does not find any substance in this appeal. .....Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh =VS= Borak Real Estate (Pvt) Ltd. , (Civil), 2022(2) [13 LM (AD) 35] ....View Full Judgment

Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh =VS= Borak Real Estate (Pvt) Ltd. 13 LM (AD) 35
State necessity––

Government Building Act, 1899
Section 3
Constitution of Bangladesh, 1972
Article 24, 27, 31 and 32
Town Improvement Act, 1953
Building Construction Act, 1952
(মহানগরী, বিভাগীয় শহর ও জেলা শহরের পৌর এলাকাসহ দেশের সকল পৌর এলাকার খেলার মাঠ, উন্মুক্ত স্থান, উদ্যান এবং প্রাকৃতিক জলাধার সংরক্ষণের জন্য প্রণীত আইন, ২০০০)
State necessity–– Construction of the residences for the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker–– The said residences are not meant for an individual person, but for the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker who uphold a unique position under the Constitution of our country and in the said way the impugned project is being implemented for the public interest being the same is a state necessity–– It appears that the said construction of residences of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker being for the public purpose in the government land is exempted from complying with provisions of other municipal laws. Therefore, the Town Improvement Act, 1953 and the Building Construction Act, 1952 have no relevance with the construction of the residences for the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker which are being constructed on Government’s own land after obtaining clearances from the Department of Architecture and on approval of the Prime Minister, the Chief Executive of the Government as per approved plan. But the High Court Division committed error of law failing to appreciate the said matter. ––It also deserves to mention here that the writ petitioners obtained Rule and an order of stay of the operation of any further construction of the impugned project in the High Court Division in Writ Petition No.3548 of 2003 on 18.05.2003. Against the order dated 18.05.2003 and 21.07.2003 passed by the High Court Division the writ respondents-appellants preferred Civil Petition for Leave to Appeal before this Division and obtained stay operation of the said orders till disposal of the Writ Petition. During the subsistence of stay order from this Division 100% of the construction work of the residential building for the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker has been completed. But the High Court Division without taking notice of the said completion of the construction work made the Rule absolute by the impugned judgment and order dated 21.06.2004 for which the interference by this Division is warranted. .....Bangladesh =VS= Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon (BAPA), (Civil), 2022(2) [13 LM (AD) 496] ....View Full Judgment

Bangladesh =VS= Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon (BAPA) 13 LM (AD) 496