Act/Law wise: Judgment of Supreme Court of Bangladesh (AD)
Act/Law |
Sadharan Bima Corporation Karmachari Probidhanmala, 1992 |
Safe Blood Transfusion Act, 2002 |
Safe Blood Transfusion Rules 2008 |
Salary allowance of teachers and employees of private educational institutions ....... Policy-1995 |
Sales of Goods Act, 1930 |
Sales Tax Act (III of 1951) |
Sales Tax Ordinance, 1982 |
Sangshad Sachibaloya, Employees and Officers Appointment Rules, 1994 |
Santrash Birodhi Ain, 2009 (XVI of 2009) (সন্ত্রাস বিরোধী আইন, ২০০৯) |
Santrash Mulak Aparadh Daman Ain, 1992 |
Sea Customs Act (VIII of 1878) |
Securities and Exchange Commission (Mutual Fund) Rules, 2001 |
Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969 |
Service Matter |
Services (Re-organization and Conditions) Act, 1975 |
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University Act (46 of 2001) |
Small Cause Courts Act, 1887 (IX of 1887) |
Smoking and Tobacco Product Usage (Control) Act (XI of 2005) |
Societies Registration Act [XXI of 1860] |
Sonali Bank Employees Service Regulations, 1995 |
Special Medical Attendant Rules, 1950 |
Special Powers Act, 1974 |
Specific Relief Act, 1877 |
Stamp Act [II of 1899] |
Standing Orders (Administration and Service Rules) |
State Acquisition and Tenancy Act [XXVIII of 1950] |
State Acquisition and Tenancy Rules 1955 / Tenancy Rules, 1955 |
State Owned Manufacturing Industries Workers (Terms and Conditions of Service) Act, 1974 |
Succession Act, 1925 |
Suits Valuation Act (VII of 1887) |
Supreme Court Judges (Leave, Pension and Privileges) Ordinance [Ord. XX of 1982] |
Supreme Court of Bangladesh (Appellate Division) Rules, 1988 |
Supreme Court of Bangladesh (High Court Division) Employees (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1983 |
Supreme Court of Bangladesh (High Court Division) Rules, 1973 |
Surplus Public Servants Absorption Ordinance, 1985 (XXIV of 1985) |
Sylhet Tenancy Act, 1930 |
স্বপ্রনোদিত তথ্য প্রকাশ অধ্যাদেশ, ২০০৮ (Self-propelled information disclosure ordinance) |