Judicial Dictionary
Title | Wasiyatnama |
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The High Court Division cannot re-assess and sift the evidence and substitute the finding of the Appellate Court by its own. Unfortunately, the High Court Division in complete denial of the said legal principle itself embarked upon to assess the evidence and gave its own finding that there was no wasiyatnama by Kulsum Bibi. Therefore, the right of the plaintiff in the suit property as the daughter of Yakub Ali was not lost and she was entitled to get her share thereto. The High Court Division did not at all say why the finding of fact arrived by the Appellate Court, the last Court of fact, affirming those of the trial Court that Kulsum Bibi bequeathed her property by the wasiyatnama and the same was acted upon by Yakub Ali, her only surviving son, and the beneficiaries of the wasiyatnama are in possession of the respective land pursuant to the dictate of the wasiyatnama was wrong. Therefore, the impugned judgment and order cannot be sustained and that must be set aside. .....Noor Mohammad Howlader (Md.) =VS= Kulsum Begum (Mst.), (Civil), 2018 (2) [5 LM (AD) 363] ....View Full Judgment |