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Tax is a charge levied upon persons or things by a government.
A ‘tax’ is a compulsory exaction of money by public authority for
public purposes enforceable by law and is not payment ‘for services
rendered’. ….. [Mathews vs. Chicory Marketing Board (60 CLR 263 at
Tax includes duty, cess, rate, penalty, fee and levy. ….. [The Collection
of Taxes Order, 1971 (A. P. O. I of 1971), art. 4(b)]
Tax includes any toll, cess, fee or other impost leviable under this
Ordinance. ….. [the Dhaka Municipal Corporation Ordinance, 1983 (Ord. XL
of 1983), Section 2(41)]
Tax includes any rate, fee or other impost leviable under this Ordinance.
….. [the Local Govt. (Union Parishads) Ordinance, 1983 (Ordinance No. LI
of 1983), Section 2(24)]
Tax includes any toll, rate, fee or other impost leviable under this
Ordinance. ….. [the Paurashava Ordinance, 1977 (Ordinance No. XXVI of
1977), Section 2(44)]
Tax means the income tax payable under this Ordinance and includes any
additional tax, excess profit tax, penalty, interest, fee or other charges
leviable or payable under this Ordinance. ….. [The Income Tax Ordinance,
1984 (Ord. XXXVI of 1984), Section 2(62)]
A tax does not aim at conferring any direct benefit upon any particular
individual and there is an element of quid pro quo between the tax payer
the public authority while, on the other hand, fee or toll is a charge for
a special service rendered to some individuals by the agency authorised to
charge a toll or fee. A tax toll or fee is imposed in public interest and
in a toll or fee individuals receive some special benefit while in the case
of a tax there is absence of such direct benefits or advantages and if
there is one it is incidental to the action of the State. ….. [Zaminur
Rahman vs. Bangladesh (1979) 31 DLR (AD) 171]