Judicial Dictionary

Title Re-calling the P.Ws for cross examination

Re-calling the P.Ws for cross examination–
In our view this observation of the learned Judges of the High Court Division is uncalled for and not contemplated by settled principles of criminal justice. Any individual accused person is liable to answer the charges brought against him and the prosecution is bound to prove the charges levelled against each individual accused beyond reasonable doubt, and hence, no individual can be compelled nor can it be suggested to any accused that he should adopt the cross-examination made on behalf of another accused. Accordingly, the following words-“Re-calling our earlier observation, however, we think that justice will meet to its end if the accused-petitioner exercises option, if thinks so, to adopt the cross-examination on behalf of the other accused-petitioners, specially of Tareq Rahman…………” are hereby expunged. However, for the reasons stated and in view of the discussion above we do not find any illegality in rejecting the accused petitioner’s application for re-calling the witnesses already examined and cross-examined. .....Begum Khaleda Zia =VS= The State, (Criminal), 2018 (1) [4 LM (AD) 353] ....View Full Judgment