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Keeping case diary under safe custody is an important task – Keeping case
diary under safe custody is an important task. The case diary is the
picture of the entire result of the investigation and other particulars
regarding the topography of the place of occurrence, the probability of
approach of the offender to the scene and the direction of retreating and
the location of the probable witnesses etc. The activities of the police
investigation officer can very well be looked after by the senior police
officers going through the records of the case diary. .....Ministry of Law,
Justice & Parl. Afrs. =VS= BLAST, (Civil), 2017 (2)– [3 LM (AD) 274] ....View Full Judgment
The case diary must include entries of necessary information for each of
the days –
The language used is day by day and therefore, it is mandatory duty for
such officer to record every day’s progress of the investigation. The
case diary must include entries of necessary information for each of the
days when investigation is in progress. Sometimes the investigation
officers neglect the examination of the witnesses on the first day of the
visit of the place of occurrence and after consuming days together record
the statements in a single day. This process is totally unauthorised. In
every case the investigation officers must record the statements of the
witnesses present expeditiously on the first day or the following day if
the FIR discloses the names of the witnesses who are acquainted with the
facts of the case. Section 157 of the Evidence Act in an unambiguous
language stated that the admissibility of a previous statement that should
have been made before an authority legally competent to the fact ‘at or
about the time’, when the fact to which the statement relates took place.
The object of this section is to admit statements made at a time when the
mind of the witness is still so connected with the events as to make it
probable that his description of them is accurate. But if time for
reflection passes between the event and the subsequent statement it not
only can be of little value but may be actually dangerous and as such
statement can be easily brought into being. .....Ministry of Law, Justice &
Parl. Afrs. =VS= BLAST, (Civil), 2017 (2)– [3 LM (AD) 274] ....View Full Judgment
Learned Attorney General submits that the High Court Division has not
considered the Police Regulations of Bengal while making observations
relating to case diary and submits that under the Police Regulations of
Bengal the court or any other person is not authorized to look into the
case diary in view of G.O. No.P.8C-5/60(III) 34PI, dated 16th January,
1961. .....Ministry of Law, Justice & Parl. Afrs. =VS= BLAST, (Civil), 2017
(2)– [3 LM (AD) 274] ....View Full Judgment
Record the case diary –
A case diary is written as the investigation progresses. It is, therefore,
obligatory to record the case diary every day when investigation is taken
place. The writing up of the case diary must not be held up at the end of
the day. It is always wise to write up the case diary in the place where
investigation is conducted. The quick and immediate writing up of case
diary helps recording every little detail of the investigation properly.
This sort of case diary truly reflects the nitty-gritty of the police
investigation. The case diary needs to be recorded as the case advances
during the course of investigation. .....Ministry of Law, Justice & Parl.
Afrs. =VS= BLAST, (Civil), 2017 (2)– [3 LM (AD) 274] ....View Full Judgment