Judicial Dictionary

Title Cognizance of offence

Cognizance of offence by a courts of session–
The Indian provision is a bit different from ours. The Indian provision reads as under: “Cognizance of offence by a courts of session –Except as otherwise expressly provided by this court or by any other law for the time being enforce, no court of session shall take cognizance of any offence as a court of original jurisdiction unless the case has been committed to it by a magistrate under this court”. .....Mufti Abdul Hannan Munshi =VS= The State, (Criminal), 2017 (2)– [3 LM (AD) 566] ....View Full Judgment

The Tribunal then took cognizance of the offence under Section 3(2) of the Act. On 3rd October 2011, and then framed as many as 20 charges engaging Sections 3(2) (a), 3(2) (C1), (g) and (h) of the Act, all of which, read with Section 3(1), are punishable under Section 20(2) of the Act. During arraignment, as the documents reveal, the charges were read over to the accused, and his pleaded “not guilty”. (Para-591); .....Allama Delwar Hossain Sayedee =VS= Government of Bangladesh, (Criminal), 2017 (1)- [2 LM (AD) 76] ....View Full Judgment