Act/Law wise: Judgment of Supreme Court of Pakistan

Code of Civil Procedure (Pakistan) ORDERS (See CPC Sections in another title)
Section/Order/ Article/Rule/ Regulation Head Note Parties Name Reference/Citation
Order VII, rule 11

Character certificate–– The appellant initiated litigation, including this appeal, which is entirely frivolous. The appellant was unnecessarily accommodated and the school and its staff were involved in endless litigation. Court time and public resources were squandered. Therefore, this appeal is dismissed with costs throughout and by imposing costs of fifteen thousand rupees herein, which the appellant shall pay to the school. .....Akber-ud-Din =VS= Headmaster Govt. High School Reshun, (Civil), 2023(1) [14 LM (SC) 1] ....View Full Judgment

Akber-ud-Din =VS= Headmaster Govt. High School Reshun 14 LM (SC) 1
Order XXXII, Rule 15

The Specific Relief Act, 1877
Section 42 r/w
The Land Revenue Act, 1967
Section 42 r/w
The Code of Civil Procedure
Order XXXII, Rule 15
Suit for declaration and cancellation of the disputed mutation–– It is a well-settled principle of law that mutation does not confer title, however, it may be considered as a piece of evidence if it is affected in accordance with law. .....Zaffar Afzal =VS= Ashiq Hussain, (Civil), 2023(2) [15 LM (SC) 28] ....View Full Judgment

Zaffar Afzal =VS= Ashiq Hussain 15 LM (SC) 28