Act/Law wise: Judgment of Supreme Court of Bangladesh (HCD)

Bangladesh Biman Corporation Ordinance (XIX of 1977)
Section/Order/ Article/Rule/ Regulation Head Note Parties Name Reference/Citation
Section 28A

Bangladesh Biman Corporation was dissolved on 22.07.2007. Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. was registered as public company on 23.07.2007. The entire undertaking of the Corporation has been transferred to and vested in the Company. However, the Ordinance, 1977 is still effective subject to subsequent developments done pursuant to Section 28A of the Ordinance. ...Md. Mominul Islam Vs. Bangladesh & ors, (Civil), 17 SCOB [2023] HCD 108 ....View Full Judgment

Md. Mominul Islam Vs. Bangladesh & ors 17 SCOB [2023] HCD 108