Act/Law wise: Judgment of Supreme Court of Bangladesh (AD)

Mine and Mineral Resources Rules, 2012
Section/Order/ Article/Rule/ Regulation Head Note Parties Name Reference/Citation
Lease agreements—

Lease agreements— Challenging the tender notification dated 07.03.2023 bearing memo No. 05.46.3600.018.02. 006.22 of Habiganj silica sand quarries— The writ petitioner-respondent agreed to pay the auction money with solicium to the bidder respondent amounting to Tk. 41,37,500/ and, accordingly, the leave petitioner vide pay order bearing No. 0311776 dated 04.12.2023 drawn on the Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Agrabad Corporate Branch, Chattogram handed over the same to the respondent No.1.
Appellate Division is inclined to dispose of the civil petition for leave to appeal. Accordingly, the civil petition for leave to appeal is disposed of. —The lease granted to the leave petitioner–writ respondent No.4 is cancelled, and the lease is to be granted in favour of the writ petitioner-respondent No.1. The writ respondent No.1 is directed to execute the lease deed in favour of the writ petitioner-respondent No.1 for the year in question. .....Md. Shafiqul Islam =VS= Baraoora (Sylhet) Tea Company Ltd. , (Civil), 2024(1) [16 LM (AD) 665] ....View Full Judgment

Md. Shafiqul Islam =VS= Baraoora (Sylhet) Tea Company Ltd. 16 LM (AD) 665