বাংলাদেশ পানি উন্নয়ন বোর্ড
কর্মচারী (অবসর ভাতা ও
অবসরজনিত সুবিধাদি)
প্রবিধানমালা, ২০০০
Rule 1(2)(Ga), 3(1)(Ka) r/w
General Provident Fund Rules, 1979
Contributory Provident Fund Rules, 1979
Appears from the writ petitions that none of the writ petitioners
challenged the legality and propriety of the aforesaid provision of law.
Until that provision is declared void or amended the same is binding upon
the writ petitioners. The Court of law is not authorized to give any relief
by passing the statute. The writ petitioners neither challenge the said
statutory provision nor the circular by which option was given. Since the
CPF holders have failed to exercise the option within time, they are not
entitled to be included in the GPF scheme on the ground of parity.
...Bangladesh Water Development Board=VS=A.K. Manzur Hasan, (Civil),
2021(2) [11 LM (AD) 49]
....View Full Judgment
Bangladesh Water Development Board=VS=A.K. Manzur Hasan |
11 LM (AD) 49 |