Cross-caste adoption–
The Caste Disabilities Removal Act, 1850
The Hindu Law
Cross-caste adoption– The provision of Hindu Law is clear that there
cannot be adoption across castes. In other words, a child from one caste
cannot be legally adopted by a member of another caste. Mr. A.J. Mohammad
Ali argued that the prohibition of cross-caste adoption had been lifted due
to the promulgation of the Caste Disabilities Removal Act, 1850. But he
abandoned the argument when Mr. Neogi pointed out that the said law was not
applicable in Bangladesh. ...Palash Chandra Saha =VS= Shimul Rani Saha,
(Civil), 2020 [9 LM (AD) 16]
....View Full Judgment
Palash Chandra Saha =VS= Shimul Rani Saha |
9 LM (AD) 16 |