Act/Law wise: Judgment of Supreme Court of Bangladesh (AD)

Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oaths and Fees) Act
Section/Order/ Article/Rule/ Regulation Head Note Parties Name Reference/Citation
Section 3

Power of Attorney—Power of attorney executed and authenticated by a Magistrate or Notary Public in a foreign country—Whether could be acted upon as a valid document in Bangladesh?
If a notarial act is done in foreign country by a foreign Notary and there is reciprocal arrangement between Bangladesh and that foreign country, then by reference to section 14 of Notaries Ordinance and section 33 of the Registration Act, those national acts will be valid and the power of attorney admissible in Bangladesh—Registration Act (XVI of 1908), Ss. 32 and 33—Evidence Act (I of 1872), Ss. 56, 78(6) and 85—Notaries Ordinance (XIX of 1961) S. 14. Nurunnessa and others Vs. Babar Ali Bepari and others;1 BLD (AD) 86.

Nurunnessa and others Vs. Babar Ali Bepari and others; 1 BLD (AD) 86