Act/Law wise: Judgment of Supreme Court of Bangladesh (AD)

Electricity Act, 1910 (IX of 1910)
Section/Order/ Article/Rule/ Regulation Head Note Parties Name Reference/Citation
Section 24

The Power Development Board (PDB), whether commits any illegality in removing its transformer from the premises of defaulter customer.
The PDB committed no illegality in removing its transformer from the premises of the appellant’s rice mill since the appellant had been resorting to taking connection unauthorisedly and repeatedly without paying the bills due from him. Md. Giasuddin Bhuiyan Vs. Chairman, Bangladesh Power Development Board, 13 BLD (AD) 72.

Md. Giasuddin Bhuiyan Vs. Chairman, Bangladesh Power Development Board, 13 BLD (AD) 72
Section 24

Disconnection of electricity line– Question of giving notice– Materials on record show that the Power Development Board removed its transformer from the appellant's control in order to forestall reconnection of electric line that the appellant was doing on his own. There having been nothing to show that the Board ever officially reconnected the line after it was disconnected, the appellant cannot legitimately claim 10 days' notice as provided under section 24 of the Act. Giasuddin Bhuiyan vs Chairman, PDE 45 DLR (AD) 29.

Giasuddin Bhuiyan vs Chairman, PDE 45 DLR (AD) 29
Section 43

The order of the Magistrate shows that he kept quiet when asked to reply to the charge framed on the basis of the report. This amounts to admission. Admittedly he made a sworn statement admitting the guilty and it was made before he was made an accused—petition is dismissed. [Para-3] Md. Babul Vs. The State 4BLT (AD)-260

Md. Babul Vs. The State 4 BLT (AD) 260